Magical Solstice

Early this December morning, we were blessed with a crisp night sky here on the East coast of Florida. The dimensions of stars as we gazed deep into the Universe were simply breath taking. With the smell of fresh ocean air and the complete silence that filled the campground my husband and I just stood there and took in all in. We felt peace, calmness, stillness, and joy. We had a strong sensation come over us that we are exactly where we are suppose to be. At one with the Universe. At 1:33am EST the magic of the solstice began! For an entire seventy two minutes we were able to watch the winter solstice full lunar eclipse unfold before our eyes. It was spectacular! 
Knowing that this exact rare occurrence will not happen until, at least, December 21, 2094 (and the previous one occurred 372 years ago) made it that much more magical to witness. If you were unable to watch the solstice or you were able to and you just want to replay it's beauty, feel free to watch the video below (courtesy of What an amazing holiday gift from the Universe! Were you able to see this fabulous occurrence? For our readers that are into meditation, below is a video that you may enjoy. It goes into great detail and depth about the winter solstice lunar eclipse. The author explains what this occurrence means and how it affects us as humans. Relax and enjoy!